
We are very proud of Onic Prima as one of the outstanding IKMs in Bogor Regency, Onic Prima is one of the IKMs assisted by the Bogor Regency Department of Industry, which was able to quickly reach middle class level in less than 10 years, hopefully Onic Prima can motivate other business actors.

DR. Nuradi, S.H, M.M, M.Hum
(Kepala Disperdagin Kabupaten Bogor)
Congratulations on receiving the Tegar Beriman Award for Onic Prima on the occasion of Bogor’s 539th anniversary, in 2021, hopefully the production of Onic Prima can be even greater, and the marketing is even better, and it becomes a mainstay of SME products in Bogor Regency.

Asep Mulyana Sudrajat S.H.
(Kepala Dinas UMKM Kabupaten Bogor)
Onic Prima from organic ingredients tastes great, especially black sticky rice (pouched porridge), Masha Allah, it’s amazing, the taste is great, there’s no smell, just like the original sticky rice porridge. It’s amazing that this is suitable for camping, for college kids, especially for boarding house children “OK Nih”.